Emergency Alert Press Release

Jefferson County Water and Sewer District is aware of the water break located on Cadiz Road in Wintersville near the Bantam Ridge intersection. The cause of the water running on the road is a leaking valve. In order to repair the valve in this location it would require the District to shut down water service to a large area including Bantam Ridge, Cadiz Road West of the site, Crestview, and Belvedere. To avoid this, we are scheduling a contractor to perform a “Hot Tap” or Live Valve Insertion near the site. This will avoid a large and prolonged service interruption to the area mentioned including Bantam Ridge Elementary. This work should be completed within the next couple weeks before the impending freezing weather arrives that would cause a dangerous situation with the water on the road.

Any questions can be directed to District operations Staff at (740) 283-8577.