Smithfield Sewer Project
The Jefferson County Water and Sewer District’s Smithfield Sewage Treatment Plant and Pump Station Rehabilitation Project has been completed. The treatment process upgrades at the Smithfield Lagoons are operational, and rehabilitation work on the nine pump stations have been completed. The JCWSD would like to thanks the Village of Smithfield and its residents for their cooperation, as well as the USDA and Army Corps of Engineers for their support of this project.
The Jefferson County Water and Sewer District’s Smithfield Sewage Treatment Plant and Pump Station Rehabilitation Project is currently in construction. The new floating aerators, UV System, and baffles have all been installed at the plant. The contractor is currently working on improvements to the nine pump stations, valve vaults, and force mains throughout the Village while the local electric utility works to bring upgraded power down to the WWTP site. The project is estimated to wrap up by the end of summer 2023.
The Jefferson County Water and Sewer District’s Smithfield Sewage Treatment Plant and Pump Station Rehabilitation Project has been fully funded through local support, the USDA-RD, and the Army Corps of Engineers. It is getting ready for construction, and will be starting in the summer of 2022.
The Jefferson County Water and Sewer District has completed the design phase of improvements to be made to the Smithfield Sewage Treatment Plant and Pump Stations. These improvements have been designed by the District’s consulting engineer Arcadis. Improvements to the sewage treatment plant, pump stations, and sewer system were mandated by OEPA when the District took over the system from the former Village of Smithfield
Improvements at the treatment plant include the removal of all sludge from both lagoon number one and lagoon number two, replacement of the aeration systems and baffles in both lagoons, replacement of all defective drain valves, and installation of a new ultraviolet disinfection system to replace the old chlorine disinfection system. All nine sewage pumps stations will be upgraded with new pumps and wet well components.
The OEPA has issued its PTI for the project. Currently one of the two key funding agencies has approved the project design, while the other funding agency is in the process of reviewing the design documents. It is anticipated that this improvements project will be ready to go out for bids in the fall of 2020. The OEPA is anxiously awaiting the bidding and completion of this project. It will represent a major improvement to the quality of treated wastewater discharged from this facility to the receiving stream.